Found these notecards while I was shuffling pages of a book untouched for a while.
Had created these notes for a FISH! Philosophy workshop.
For a long time, I believed in my internal innate (only) to deliver a presentation
It is for training workshops I actually started preparing note cards
Scripting and creating 4 by 8 inches note cards.
Could never follow the script to the ’T’
Creating notecards helps me in structuring, sequencing thoughts, and deliver the end objective.
Made assumption great orators have the charisma and they need no preparation
Charisma can be learned and developed like any other skill with tons and tons of preparation
Depends on how much preparation is enough for you
There is nothing called ‘enough’ when it comes to preparation
It does depend on your natural instinct to build an instant connection and rapport with the audience
We are the same; we are all human beings
It becomes easier then, to communicate, exchange ideas, and share experiences.
It is much easier to communicate with others on that level