I believe in writing. It really helps in keeping track of all the critical variables from diet to exercise to stress.
Writing has tremendous energy. It helped me build a consistent routine and develop new habits
As Greek philosopher Aristotle, once said: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
It is a skill that is difficult to master in life.
But like everything else, self-awareness comes with practice
The practice of writing, paying attention and creating mindful pauses.
My devotion is around being of service to you—to support your journey of self-awareness
I do that primarily through my writing and teaching. Mindset is everything! This is why I am starting the year by offering an intensive workshop on “Claiming Self!”
I want to help you get intentional and strategic about your goals and visions.
And help to bring hope and clarity as we move into 2021.
There are a few simple, yet very powerful strategies we can use to accelerate in 2021—and this is exactly what I will be sharing during the workshop. We will explore some innovative mindfulness techniques coupled with powerful writing exercises—that when implemented together with energy and emotional clarity—can literally make magic happen in your life!